Where will you be on the 4th July???


Last Updated on 7th July 2021 by

Over this side of the pond in the UK ask the question and the answer is probably “not very much” as this is for the majority of us just another workaday day – not so in the Good Old US of A because this as we know is Independence Day  and that means party, party, party.

So why is it so loved and cherished by all Americans, the answer is in the question – because it is the day that commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the United Kingdom and that’s a pretty good reason for a party.

The day is of such significance that it is now enshrined in the calendar of the USA as a federal holiday – a time of Backyard BBQs, community parades and firework displays, carnivals, picnics etc  and as almost everybody has the day off it is one that is generally spent it outdoors. Traditionally it is a time when families and friends get together to share the day when old acquaintances are renewed and new ones are made It is also a day when the holiday theme is taken to the extreme when yards and patio’s are decorated in the most patriotic of styles and every door seems to have a patriotic wreath made up in the image of Uncle Sam, bald eagles and, of course, stars and stripes. If you want to see how extreme these wreaths can get take a look –https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Independence+day+door+decoration&espv=2&tbm=isch&imgil=Xka69rD1Fb5A-M%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%2

This one caught our eye here in the Timber Composite Doors office because it looks like it could be on one of our “Tenby” solid panel doors plus it’s a pretty good renovation of an old lifebuoy.


We have left it a bit late for this year – but watch this space for next year because Timber Composite may just organise our own best door decoration for “Independence Day” competition – our plans are well advanced for “Best Christmas wreath” competition for all those lucky people who have bought doors from us this year.

The 4th July is a time when food and drink are the order of the day and everyone gets in on the act even the President himself  – we wondered what he was about to tuck into could it be any of the topically named –

Senate Bean Soup

Senator’s favourite crab cakes

Presidential Mac & cheese

White House Cookies

Sounds a pretty good menu to us and if you want try them out for your $th July party you can find them at http://www.ibtimes.com/4th-july-recipes-4-easy-patriotic-menu-ideas-make-fourth-july-1616416

After he has finished his meal the President can take in the best show in town the White House firework display we can not speak for 2014 but 2012 was pretty good – see


As with all outdoor events there is one thing that is absolutely necessary and the summer weather can be unpredictable, unfortunately for all of those on the eastern seaboard it is not looking to good as there is likely to be an uninvited guest – “Arthur” a current tropical storm is predicted to become the first hurricane of the season with a predicted land fall the third/fourth to track his progress see – http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/02/us/holiday-weather/

Happy Independence day to all who celebrate it – let’s hope this time the forecasters have it wrong.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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