When one door closes another door opens


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

When one door closes another door opens


For every door that closes they say another one opens or if you are one of life’s unlucky soles another one slams in your face. The original quote is attributed to the inventor Alexander Graham Bell (the inventor of the telephone) and is usually seen only in its shortened form of –

“when one door closes another door opens”

– the quote is believed to be a reflection of Bells own personal circumstances as during his life he had many setbacks both in his career and personal life.

As another winter slowly comes to an end and we start to feel the first warmth of spring sunshine it is easy to forget the last four/ five months of dark days and cold nights and increased heating bills which were not helped by the draughty front door which you know you should have replaced last year.

Maybe if we quote Alexander Graham Bells quote in its full version it will be the stimulus you need to do something about the draughty warped creaking old door that you keep telling yourself “will see out another year” – the full version of the quote being –

“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”

Are you someone who “looks so long and regretfully” upon your existing old front door that you cannot see the possibilities that a new door would open up for you, possibilities such as –

No draughts

Reduced heating bells

Improved security

Styles and colours that will be the envy of friends and neighbours

Do you really want to see out another year with that ”draughty warped creaking old door” when with the help of the GFD Trading Group and any one of its subsidiaries GFD Homes, Composite Door Prices, Timber Composite Doors or Global Door we can guide you in your quest for that new front door. Each of these GFD Group companies specialises in composite doors offering different manufacturers and therefore the benefits of the different styles, colours and accessories that each can offer.

If the answer is no visit any of the above web sites, they are all interlinked just look for the logo of the next site you want to visit – its normally at the bottom of the “Home” page – or use the hyperlinks above – no matter which site you go for you will find –

a huge selection of quality doors at competitive prices,

a door designer to help you design the door you want

endless accessories

all the techie, specie stuff

our superb installation offers throughout anywhere in the UK

a gallery of actual installed doors (and windows and Bifolds an Rooflights and Lantern Lights) which we have installed during the past twelve years

customer reviews – because we know the best recommendation is a personal recommendation

0% finance (for customers who comply with requirements)

and lots more

At GFD Trading Ltd we believe in opening new doors for all of our customers and that is why we try to give as much choice as possible as we state on the Composite Door Prices web site – every door we sell has been vetted by our team of experts for quality and cost – we would only ever offer doors that we would be happy to grace our own homes.

If you choose to check out the noted web sites you will soon discover that some of them include far more than just composite doors – if any of the other ranges you will discover such as Bifold doors, French Doors, Patio doors, windows, rooflights or Lantern lights are of interest you will find that they are all treated with our same excellent service.

We can even offer assistance if your door is fine but you only want to upgrade your locks for security purposes because our “Eurosecure” web site offers everything you would need to make your house safe and secure – everything from the superb Ultion lock to sophisticated video door locks and alarm systems.

GFD Trading Ltd – our doors never close – because we are a 24/7 web site we are always opening new doors and opportunities for our customers.




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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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