What if doors could vote?


What if doors could vote? Thoughts from the fantasy world of Timber Composite Doors!




Here at GFD Group we are pretty non-political as a company although we do have our individual views and the news of a General Election on June 8th set us thinking (strange things happen to you when your day is absorbed with doors) – Timber Composite Doors has a huge range of doors what if in the traditions of the very best animated cartoons our doors had life and they were the participants in an election rather than we humans – how would the whole thing pan out.

The Elder statesman the Beeston French Door with Georgian Bar in white

Totally absurd! we can here the howls of derision from here – but is it, think of the parallels.

There are two major political parties -we have two major door styles one with a majority in number over the other –

For Conservatives read – Traditional & Cottage with 38 styles they are a clear leader in the “house”

For Labour read – Contemporary the party trying to usurp the status quo with 24 styles

Then we have the minors – the Lib Dems, the Greens, The SNP etc – for these read Stable Doors which also come in with a total of 24 styles.

The masses of variation in colours and glazing and hardware options which so change the character of every door we produce would nicely represent the electorate because the variations we produce can run into billions of options as we previously advised in our blog “Solidor Composite Front Doors -one billion options”

It is maybe a bit of a stretch of the imagination to visualise the showroom battle –

A feisty but stylish Stafford in Blue

Seasoned Naples in Red

both leaders of their respective parties and facing off across the “Cutting tables” trying to sway the mass ranks of their own and each other’s parties into change whilst the “minors” such as the

Stable door in Painswick white jeer from the side-lines

The photograph is taken from our Gallery pages of thousands of actual installations

All a bit off the wall and radical, we accept but we think we at Timber Composite Doors could make a great cartoon drama out of this futuristic idea – if only we had someone who would finance this potential blockbuster.

The one thing we have not mentioned so far in this parallel world where doors rule is that we have a fourth style of doors where “common sense” rules – “the French Doors” – the “Coalition Party” with virtually every style in the Solidor Timber Composite Door range being capable of being adapted to “French Doors” this would be the party of real power with fifty seven styles available – taking the best of every other style – doubling them up for added strength and re grouping into one – if only the real world of politics could harmonise so readily what a difference that would be.

If we had to choose a candidate to head our “Coalition Party” it would have to be something like this superb pair of “Palermo” doors in Schwarzbraun which simply screams strength and reliability just what every political party needs from its Leader.

Thank you for indulging our fantasy and if you feel you would like to sponsor the movie feel free to give us a call.


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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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