Solidor – Recommends Timber Composite Doors!


Last Updated on 5th March 2014 by Ian Richardson

Our recent article told you all about the Timber Composite Door online presence what we are, where we have come from and what we can do for you, but this company is not “a one trick pony” we will not just sell you a door if you require we can also provide you with one of the very best installation services you will find anywhere in the UK.

As a discerning customer both Timber Composite Door and Solidor know that once you have chosen your door preferably using our on line facilities you will require the services of an exceptional fitting team to ensure that your door is as perfect as it can be when it becomes a permanent part of your home. In order to assist all of their customers Solidor provide a “Find a Supplier” page on their web site – for “Find a Supplier” also read “Find a Supplier and /or installer” and as the whole Solidor reputation is built upon the quality of their product they will only consider tried and trusted suppliers and installers. Take a look at whom they recommend for the North East of England and you will find the name of Timber Composite Doors but please do not make the mistake of believing that you have to reside “up North” before you can benefit from the exceptional Timber Composite Door installation service.

As part of GFD Trading Ltd – Timber Composite Door share in all of the benefits of the group and one of these is our ability to install doors on a national basis wherever your post code maybe in the UK we will probably have already been there and installed a door for some lucky customer.

What does our installation service include-
• Professional Site survey which will generally be booked within 48 hours of your order
• Planning assistance
• Full installation service
• Making good
• Removal of old door
• DGCOS cover
• 10 year product guarantee
• 5 year installation guarantee
• After care

How do we do it and how do we know it works

The doing is the hard bit for many, but not for us – we are not and do not provide “a man in a van service”. The GFD group and consequently Timber Composite Doors have a partnership arrangement with an installation company who operate throughout the UK and are nationally known, massively experienced authorised service providers to the Insurance market. We are so confident of our installation service we also offer a five year installation guarantee and yes we do come back if something breaks, sticks etc.

We know our service works because our customers keep telling us so – if you need further proof check out the independent TRUST PILOT testimonials on any one of our sites Global, Fusion and Timber Composite Doors.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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