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Shut that Door – Take Two!

Shut that Door – Take Two!

Did you take notice of our warning or did you believe summer would last forever and when it faded it would be followed by an Indian summer that would last all through October only to be followed by an unusual “tropical “blast of warm air that would welcome in November.

None of the above occurred in a household near us and they probably did not occur in your household either, but then when we wrote the original “Shut that door” you could not say we did not give you fair warning.

Aileen (storm one) has come and gone – the tail end of Hurricane Ophelia crashed into our shores with spectacular effect and we have already said goodbye to storm Brian – the heating has already been switched on and the consequence of staying warm, is, that, you are watching your meter readings climb as your hard-earned money is sucked out of your home by any one of those winters draughts. And YES, we would give very good odds that the cry of “Shut that door” has already been heard in your household, it certainly has in ours. If it is not fully here its standing on the doorstep waiting to be let in – Winter with all its downsides.

But, as we said in our original article – it does not have to be like this – a new composite front door from Timber Composite door can certainly reduce the worst of winter – OK we accept it’s a bit of a painful outlay having to part with the cash at this time of year but the benefits for future years far outweigh any financial pain you will feel today. We previously suggested that you take a good look at your existing front door and ask yourself the following –

Is it draughtproofed and if so does it look like it works or is it all worn and tired looking?

Does your door sit square in the frame or is it all warped and twisted?

Are the glazed panels single or double glazed and what about that cracked pane?

Is your frame still solidly connected to the wall and sealed all around or does it just sort of “fit where it touches” leaving air gaps all around?

Does your letterbox still have a flap and does it actually close?

Did you follow our advice and make the change or did you believe “winter was not coming this year”?

If you are still struggling with a badly fitting draughty door it’s not too late – we at Timber Composite Doors do not stop working just because the days are getting shorter and the nights darker and colder, we brave the elements whatever they may be to be sure that we are here when you need us because we care about all of our prospective customers welfare and of course we want to ensure that when you choose your new composite front door you remember to visit our web site at or pick up the phone and give us a call.

We have an extensive range of quality doors to cater for every style and colour for which you could wish with glass and accessories to match and we give you the option of designing your door to your very own specification by using our door designer

If you really want to banish the cry of “Shut that door” simply select the door of your choice

Such as –



Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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