Lilacs on Ludlow


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by


Lilacs on Ludlow with a butterfly thrown in for good measure No 9in the Timber Composite Doors “Celebrate Summer” series of doors that money cannot buy

Butterflies love lilac almost as much as they love Buddleigh’s as there favourite flower to feed upon and why would they not a Lilac tree in full bloom is one of the most pleasing sights that the English countryside has to offer – what could be better than afternoon tea in this setting on a warm summers afternoon he garden in full bloom with the buttrflies hovering around the Lilac bush.

Who doesn’t love Lilacs? They are the ideal plant for every garden large or small ideally cultivated with about ten canes to produce flowers at approximately eye level so that their wonderful fragrence can be enjoyed without the need to stoop or stretch. Lilacs can come in up to seven colours but are most familiar in the colour to which they give their name, the rich purpley/ blue shade that we know as Lilac f the species Syringa Vulgaris which blooms in early summer. Lilacs are hardy , easy to grow and low maintenance and they can grow up to fifteen feet tall if you want to know how to grow them is a site which provides some excellent information.

The Ludlow is one of the unsung heroes of the Timber Composite Door Solidor Collection – the solid version of the door has a strudy and durable appearance which when selected in the deep rich green of the standrd range of colours provides the perfect backdrop for the superimposed image of Lilacs and butterflies


– a door of simple traditional design that is eternally popular, no fancy curves or abstract shapes this door, just good solid simple square lines, a door of such simplicity of design it can blend beautifully with any style of property in any location a door that is both practical and functional. As the best seller of any of our doors this is one that we cannot categorise in any way other than to say that if you walk down any street in the UK you will invariably see a lovely Ludlow (or a door of the same design by others) that’s how popular the Ludlow is. This is not a door where we can advise choice of colour, there is no most popular, it looks good in anything from a rich red to a rosewood, from a Schwarzbraun black to a Duck Egg blue and anything in between

The image we have used is for a solid version of the door – but this door is nothing if not versatile it looks even better with the pair of upper panels glazed with the glass of your choice – It gains strength for its two solid base panels and allows a sufficient passage of light to brighten any hallway from its two rectangular glazed top panels  Quite simply a door of quality that looks good in any one of our range of colours whether it is combined with a matching or a contrasting frame colour this is a door that it is not possible to mismatch, it will always look good.

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and it also adapts wonderfully well as a stable door.

The two glazed panels can help personalise the door to your individual taste, with options ranging from the simple obscures to traditional diamond to the more contemporary abstract and when it comes to accessories our customers mix and match the traditional and the modern and they all look good on this door. The Ludlow is a door that has style which has a proven track record of popularity which is why it continues to be the best selling door in our range.


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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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