Keys that ring for locks that stay locked


Last Updated on 9th October 2017 by Ian Richardson

Keys that ring for locks that stay locked

Keys that rings sounds a rather strange concept when compared to doors that stay locked, at Timber Composite Door we know that the latter statement is correct and has been ever since our introduction of the superb Ultion Lock as standard on all of our doors – it was actually back in November 2015 when we ran a blog Ultion locks as standard that we first introduced the lock a fact – eighteen months on and it has proved extremely popular with our customers. In this initial blog we highlighted the technical benefits of the lock –

  • Ultion offers double snap resistance
  • When attacked the Ultion instantly goes into ‘Lockdown Mode’
  • Stays snap secure even with a key in the inside of the lock
  • Some locks have 5 pins, others have 6, Ultion has 11
  • Ultion protects against Lock Drilling
  • Ultion protects against Lock Bumping
  • Ultion protects against Lock Picking

For security, strength and reliability the Ultion has proved to be a winner with all because it is a lock that once the key is turned stays locked.

Just like any successful Superstar the Has its fair share of “groupies” first there was the Key cap –

Ultion Key Rings
Ultion Key Rings

which proved very popular with all of our customers as it allowed members of the family to select the colour of the cap of their choice and thereby minimised the chances of arguments over lost keys as we featured in a recent blog on our sister Eurosecure site “protest no more the dispute is over”

The basic key cap evolved for nocturnal users the new “bright light” glow in the dark cap – so even if you drop them on the darkest of nights they are easy to find


When you use the timber Composite Door – door designer and you get to the final page you will find that we have now introduced all of the above “key Caps” as optional purchase items along with –

The key that rings, fortunately for most of us when we lose keys they are always in the “last place we failed to look” but what if they were not, the Ultion lock provides its own perfect answer to such a scenario – the Ultion Key Ring (provided you have not also lost your phone) – download the App fit the Key ring caps – pair the signal – problem solved- lose your keys – activate the App and wait for the tell-tale ring

At Timber Composite Door, we are very aware of the security issues surrounding your Ultion lock and take all measures to protect our customers interests we therefore have to request that you provide us with your keycode number should you require additional keys, key caps or key rings

Why do we have to do this? The security of the Ultion lock keying system is dependent upon the unique “algorithm” which ensures every key is cut based so that lock and key have compatible code number, and as that code number is only disclosed after your door installation only you have access to it, should you require any of the additional Key options use the web page to notify us of your choice and we will e” mail you personally requesting your Keycode and confirming your requested option, price, delivery etc.

For the very best in keys that ring for locks that stay locked look no further than Timber Composite Door.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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