How did we manage without them?


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

UK Storm Names : How did we manage without them?

Apparently, the phenomena that is the naming of winter storms by the Met Office began only began as recently as November 2015 with Storm Abigail -seems like a lot longer than that and here in the Timber Composite Doors we are seriously wondering what is the point of this half-baked self-publicising exercise other than to give the “weather men and women” something to talk about rather than the weather.

Some of us are old enough to remember weather forecasts that actually told us when it was going to rain, be sunny, windy with freezing or high temperatures and the forecasts were reasonably specific to geographical locations rather than a rough approximation of what the weather may be like somewhere in your approximate bit of the country.

Whilst we accept that Meteorology can never be a 100% accurate science – for one thing the topography of our country has a dramatic impact (which is also true of other countries) we are an island and that has an impact (which is not true of many other countries) but our sympathy for the inaccuracies wears a bit thin when more time is spent on the “readers weather photographs” than on actually telling us what the forecast will be. This once used to be restricted to regional weather where a “celebrity or “expert” individual or panel would select the twelve-monthly photographs for a “worthy cause” calendar come the closing date for the full calendar, the photograph’s become paramount and the weather secondary. Unfortunately, this trend of “weather pictures” now seems to be spreading to the national forecasts. We have often noted in the office or pub or anywhere, that a frequent topic of conversation has been “see the weatherman got it wrong again” but we have yet to here the topic of “did you not think last nights weather pictures were exceptional”

In the UK so many events depend upon the weather that the accurate forecasting is essential and we are being badly let down – ask yourself, how many times have you watched the 10.30 pm weather only to find that by 7.30 am the following day the forecast is completely different – anyone involved in any out door activity or regular sport will have fallen foul of this on any number of occasions – events get cancelled, you take your waterproofs and have the joy of an unexpected sunny day. It is all so frustrating for we the general public and even more so when predicted storms are regional rather than national and yes, we are through to “B” already Bronagh apparently blew in last Thursday but no-one in the north of the country noticed.

Why you might ask, should Timber Composite Doors be iso interested in the accuracy of the weather – we make a big play in our advertising about our door security, weather proof and thermal insulation, draughtproofing and cost savings that a new door can bring by keeping the heat in and the cold out and of course our information is based upon statistics rather than “readers weather pictures” and if they can not get it right day by day what faith can we put in the long term statistics.


If we were to adopt the same approach as your local tv weather department when it comes to our website – we could happily abandon all of the good stuff – the specification and technical info – the 0% Finance offers, the consumer awareness info, the quality installation throughout the UK, the endless styles colour and accessories – it would make it a lot simpler for us to do a one-page web site along the lines of –

This is a Solidor Flint Timber Composite door in Painswick finish it keeps the weather out and you warm inside . It will withstand all of the weatherman’s forecasts and look good in his photographs

Fortunately for all of our customers we care that the info we provide is both comprehensive , correct and relevant to what we do (which is sell doors) which is why you will find our Timber Composite Door web site crammed full of specification and technical info – the 0% Finance offers, the consumer awareness info, the quality installation throughout the UK, the endless styles colour and accessories – WE WANT YOU TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE BUYING NOT SOMETHING THAT MIGHT BE A CLOSE APPROXIMATION




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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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