Fifty Shades of Grey – Doors, the morning after


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by



Slowly the fog cleared from his brain, but it was too soon to risk opening his eyes, his head was pounding as if someone was demolishing his skull with sledgehammers and his mouth was drier than he imagined the Sahara Desert could ever be, but it had been good, very good.

That is as far as he remembered it had been good for an Annual Sales Convention, his brain was ticking into gear, albeit slowly, as he replayed the previous evening in his mind. It had started well drinks, a pleasing meal, good company, a little bit of business with potential for more, the speeches were even slightly amusing…… and then like a train hitting the buffers, the memories he did not want to remember hit him.

A little under six feet slim, graceful with curves that looked as if they were engineered to be held and shimmering , shimmering with an almost translucent aura that seemed to follow everywhere.

He felt the cold chill of panic spread through his veins as he heard his inner voice saying “I didn’t did I” – slowly, very slowly he let his hand stray across the bed – nothing- relief coursed through his body.

In that moment of guilt free elation he allowed one eye lid to prize itself open just as the first morning rays of sunshine forced their way through the window blinds, even slower than the first he opened his other eye the glare of the sunlight causing extreme pain and making him want to slam them both closed and return to his slumbers, but he was braver than that, he was awake and staying awake. As he relaxed trying to force his body to the next level of activity he watched the airborne dust floating gently in the suns’ rays, his eyes were drawn across the room to where the ray reflected as it hit the bedroom wall, he shook his head closed his eyes, reopened them the panic rising again, it could not be, could it…….

Eyes fully open he raised himself up, swung his legs over the bed and sat, at first just staring, he could not draw his eyes away from such beauty. As his exploits of the previous evening flooded back to him, a tear fell on his cheek, his head fell into his hands and he sat there motionless for what seemed an eternity but in reality was only a few minutes. In that instant he knew he was finished, he had committed the cardinal sin, his life as he had known it was over. He raised his head once more to gaze upon the beauty before him and he knew it had all been worthwhile to share such precious time together, if only for a few fleeting hours.

When the knock on the door eventually came he was ready, summing up his best professional image he strode to the door dragged it open with no hint of guilt ready to face the consequences of his actions. He was ready for whatever his fate was to be, held tightly in his grasp was the beauty, the Solidor E53 1800 door handle, thrusting it forward to the waiting hand, he spoke

“ I’ m sorry, I’ve waited all my life for beauty such as this, I couldn’t help myself, I know I have committed the cardinal sin of taking another man’s samples and now I am ready to face my fate”

As he was lead away he took one lingering look over his shoulder muttering the immortal words “we could have been good together”

A little under six feet slim, graceful with curves that looked as if they were engineered to be held and shimmering , shimmering with an almost translucent aura, the E53 1800 made no comment.

If you are tempted by the E53 1800 or the E53 400 or the E523 /E524 range of handles or even the EK range of door knobs you do not have to commit any cardinal sins to own them – Solidor manufacture and Timber Composite Doors sell them and they are all beautiful so …..

Next time you are looking for something –

A little under six feet slim, graceful with curves that looked as if they were engineered to be held and shimmering , shimmering with an almost translucent aura

Give Timber Composite Doors a call that way you cannot get into trouble.


find out more about his life 15 weeks after the incident and in the conclusion 

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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