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Everything in Moderation

Everything in moderation – this blog contains health warnings

Three things to enjoy this Christmas

At GFD HQ we love Christmas with all its tradition a time to relax and enjoy family time indulging in food and drink and party festivities maybe a little more than we normally would, take the “three things to enjoy” noted above. We will probably all be partaking maybe a little too much of them all – but do we know why? If you ever wanted to know anything about Christmas we have found the perfect web site – we spent hours wading through it “Christmas” all you ever wanted to know about the making of the Christmas as we now accept it.

“Kissing under the mistletoe “ as fun as it is originated in Norske mythology as a sign of love and friendship and the proper English tradition is apparently to pick a berry before each kiss – no berries no kiss – but we rather like the definition of the name mistletoe – which apparently comes from two Anglo Saxon words “Mistel” (which means dung) and “tan” (which means twig or stick) so the less than romantic literal translation could be “poo on a stick”. Maybe before we indulge to much we should consider the consequences of those throw away kisses there is a long list of diseases that can be transferred by kissing from colds to glandular fever and more but as it is Christmas we will leave it to the individual as to whether they read the article – as with everything at Christmas we advise moderation.

Pulling Crackers” – the “cracker “was first seen in London in the 1850’s when a sweet maker Tom Smith wrapped sweets in paper with a motto and it developed from there to the crackers we now know – you cannot get hurt pulling a cracker can you? Ever heard of Christmas Crackers pullers wrist” this “tongue in cheek” student guide tells all and that’s before we consider all the hidden toys that can fly out and hit you requiring a visit to A&E – as with everything at Christmas we advise moderation.

“Eating turkey” – so easy to overdo it – we were somewhat surprised to discover that turkey only really became the Christmas bird of choice in the 1950’s with the advent and growth of the refrigerator and that is something that although prominent in the UK is not the meat of choice in many countries. There are a number of consequences of over indulgence the stomach may not burst after a big Christmas meal, but, overeating will make your body work harder, pumping more blood to the stomach and intestines with the possibility of clotting and possible heart attack and even gall bladder problems and of course the less serious but often more embarrassing falling asleep and associated flatulence. “Ate Too Much? Tight Pants May Be the Smallest Worry” an old article from the New York times sums it up all too well when describing the consequences of their traditional “thanks giving” turkey fest – as with everything at Christmas we advise moderation.

All at Timber Composite Doors will probably be overindulging in a moderate manner (not) this Christmas and as we would like to sell lots of doors in the new year which means we will need your support.

A Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all Timber Composite Doors customers past and future enjoy your Christmas with moderation – come the new year we shall be here waiting to answer and provide all your needs for that new front door that you put on your 2017 resolutions list.






Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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