"E" Commerce – on line web sales – it will never catch on? Amazon has!


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

At GFD HQ we were new some eight years ago we were taking a bit of a chance when we decided to try and sell doors on line – at that time the whole concept of “e” commerce was considered pretty radical and new for most products let alone doors. As recently as spring of 2014 we featured an article on our Timber Composite Doors web site called “what is an on line reseller and why you should use them” to explain the philosophy that we at GFD HQ were using and to show that there was an alternative to the old ways of showroom visiting.

At GFD our progress and growth has been very steady but our story pales into insignificance when contrasted with the current big financial story that AMAZON OVERTAKES WALMART AS WORLDS LARGEST RETAILER as the world’s leading retailer as shown in this featured article from the Daily Telegraph states and also in the FT http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8b082990-3177-11e5-8873-775ba7c2ea3d.html#axzz3gnHTvplr.

What a day for “e” commerce when it is recognised that more people than ever are using it – seems like we at GFD HQ might have had a good idea all those years ago OK we are no Amazon and its pretty common knowledge that they have other associated strings “Amazon Prime” and their “Cloud Computing” business which have enhanced their profits but the underlying message is the public now trust the internet as a source of purchases.

At GFD HQ we have been quietly adding to our own portfolio of online companies which now encompasses –

Timber Composite Doors

Global Door

Composite Door prices

Global Sash windows

and for those of you in the Trade –

The Trade Village

Not quite in the Amazon league but not bad for a small office in Hartlepool –one of the many things that we believe we have in common with the Amazon philosophy is that of putting the customer first – we have just like Amazon (but on a smaller scale) created fully automated computer controlled procedures that are specifically designed to speed up processes, minimise the chances of error and ultimately to give the customer what they want when they want it.
For us the customer always comes first and we believe honesty with our customers is always the best policy so much so that in two recent articles we invited customers to check out both our good and indifferent reviews see https://www.timbercompositedoors.com/bursting-the-bubbles-of-the-unscrupulous-traders/ and http://www.globaldoor.co.uk/news/composite-doors-reviews-we-tell-the-truth-even-if-it-is-bad/

At GFD HQ to us reputation is everything and the only way we can retain it is to have happy customers.

Congratulations to Amazon and we at GFD will keep dreaming of the day when the headline reads

GFD Trading Ltd confirmed as the world’s leading on line retailer of doors and windows.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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