Differing opinions –


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Differing opinions –

This little theme of ours has certainly stirred up opinions –

From this –

OOOPPPs – someone does not like Star wars

My Dear Mr Richardson,

As a frequent reader of the Blog section of the Timber Composite Door web site I have to compliment you on the informative and amusing content which you have produced over a considerable period of time – the guidance offered as to choice and selection of doors has been excellent.

However – recent events within your column have to say the very least been alarming and quite distressing to readers such as myself.

As is my ritual, I open your web pages as normal and as I have come to expect – I look for articles about the Solidor range the Standards or The Italia Classic Collection with associated and linked news items about the beautiful Beeston or the majestic Milano with information about colours and accessories exactly as I would expect from a web site that sells DOORS. Unfortunately, over recent weeks such quality information has been at a premium – replaced by what?

A month full of Star Wars nonsense with images of all of the weird creatures who attend this saga and as for information –

Do I really need to know that the Princess Leia bikini sold for $96,000 – I do not!

To date I have counted a dozen of these offending articles and I also note you have taken to both “twitter” and “facebook” with this content and even started to include “lego” characters in your festive banners – no doubt I will have to endure even more of such articles and content up until the launch of the movie.

Mr Richardson this has to stop – your mission is to provide your readers with information about doors available in this world not in some Galaxy far far away – if you have to indulge in seasonal silliness may I suggest that you return your pages to the excellent musical blogs you included last year Silent Night and Favourite Christmas Songs – both of which contained excellent sound bites and had some relevance to your excellent doors

Yours Sincerely

Mr Barry .A . Humbug

Name and address withheld


To this –

But some do –

Dear Ian

Love it, love it, Love it pure genius – your articles and blogs throughout the year are always extremely interesting and informative but the introduction of the Star Wars theme has been truly inspirational.

As one who writes himself, for fun not for a living, I realise how difficult it can be to keep your articles refreshing and interesting but this past twelve months you have excelled – taking the Italian cities theme and mixing it with news and current events and even flowers while maintaining the links to Doors has been excellent, particularly as you kept the information flowing regarding product and legislation changes.

Keep up the good work – looking forward to next year’s movie themed articles.


Mr Lawrence Oveit


And an open letter from the culprit Ian Richardson

Here at GFD HQ we try very hard to inform and amuse our readers, we consider it essential that we provide them with not just some, but all of the information of which they need to be aware when purchasing one of our doors as we have stated many times throughout the year – WE WANT HAPPY CUSTOMERS –

I more than most recognise that Doors are not the most interesting of subjects therefore throughout the year we have attempted to inject a little humour and a social interest into our articles – however if we have in any way offended anyone please accept our apologies.

As Star Wars lovers here at GFD HQ we simply could not miss this opportunity and in response to MR Brian A Humbug’s letter we can confirm normal service will be resumed in 2016 when we will continue with our mission to inform and hopefully amuse all of our customers new and old.

Thank you for your support

Ian Richardson










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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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