Curved Headed Timber Composite Doors


Last Updated on 28th April 2014 by Ian Richardson

Arched-Solidor-Composite-DoorFor the lucky few who have beautiful bespoke front doors where the head of the door is shaped to match the curve of the frame (arch leaf doors as they are known) the nightmare of replacing this well loved and stylishly crafted entrance to your home is now over. Gone is the need to employ an army of tradesmen to manufacture the perfect curved wooden frame and the shaped timber door all at excessive cost, now your door and frame can be replaced as easily as any other door when you purchase a Solidor from Timber Composite Door.

The collaboration between Solidor and Universal Arches (one of the premier names in plastics profile bending) has turned the nightmare into a dream as it combines arched top composite doors with matching frames and that includes the sidelights (if you have them) all as part of the package. The . With the Solidor range that means 10 standard styles of doors and twenty nine individual designs in the wonderful Italia range, all of which are available in an extensive range of colours and with matched glazing and accessories to suit every taste.

The quality of survey is essential as these composite doors with matching frames will be manufactured to bespoke sizes but will also be designed so as to be able to incorporate any door design, side panels etc.  As these doors are pre assembled as a door, frame / door set they are designed to fit first time, which is why within 48hrs of placing an order with Timber Composite Doors we contact the customer to arrange for one of our professional surveyors to visit the property. During the survey we will check and double check all measurements, discuss any issues that may concern individual customers and only when both the customer and the company are entirely in agreement will we proceed with the manufacture of the door of those dreams. The manufacture may take a little longer than normal dependent upon the complexity of design, but once you see the new door installed we know that you will find it all worthwhile.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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