Christmas Traditions (UK)


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Christmas traditions (UK)

OOOPPs seems we have touched another nerve – no sooner do we admit that we might have got it slightly wrong with our milk and cookies rather than Sherry and mince pies blog – “are you a sherry or a glass of milk person”  than we seem to have done it again. Having thought we had pacified “Disappointed of Dulwich” we find that he is not alone in his defence of a traditional Christmas.

You ‘ve guessed it – another mail has hit our desks – this blog writing does not get any easier,


Mr Richardson

Recent blogs

I refer to two of your recent blogs, firstly, I am entirely in agreement with “Disappointed of Dulwich”- and I must question – are you single headedly trying to destroy the fabric of the traditional Christmas?

Your Milk and Cookies v Sherry and mince pies fiasco was bad enough but then I reviewed your blog entitled “let’s be jolly deck the halls with boughs of holly” the one where you belittle all that is good about traditional Christmas Muzak and promote some obscure American “pop” Group – at least the Muzak we hear in Department Stores is something which is familiar to the majority of individuals.

Tell me Mr Richardson what exactly is it that you have against traditional Christmas Carols – Silent Night, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, We three kings etc the list is endless – all traditional and all classics in their own right – if you had to condemn the Muzak of the popular idiom White Christmas, Winter wonderland etc – Traditional Carols would have been a far superior choice.

What are we to expect from your next blog – the banning of “the pulling of Christmas Crackers, the eating of turkey or maybe the act of kissing under the mistletoe.”

Please – Keep Christmas traditional!


Basil Andrew Harrison Umbug


And all we at Timber Composite Doors thought, was, that we were bringing a little enlightenment and entertainment into our readers experience – but we got it wrong again – or did we? – clearly Mr Umbug did not read our blog as thoroughly as he may have thought as there was a hyperlink to Winter wonderland in the text – Ok it was that American “pop” Groups version but it was the correct song.

For the benefit of Mr Umbug we have searched the web for a suitable version of Silent Night – we hate to disappoint our customers here at Timber Composite Doors – so just for Mr Umbugs benefit and all of the Christmas traditionalists we give you the Winchester Cathedral Choir version of Silent Night which is very nice and traditional and the boy sopranos can certainly hit the high notes even if they do sound just a bit scratchy.


Maybe Mr Umbug would like to compare that American “pop” Groups version of Silent Night – here at Timber Composite Doors we know which one we prefer and we think Mr Umbug may be surprised

We have already penned our response mail to Mr Umbug giving our apology and suggesting maybe he might want to give our next blog a miss.


Dear, Mr B.A.H. Umbug

Re Recent Blogs

We thank you for your mail and apologise if we have in any way offended you with our choice of Christmas Blog content and music – in our defence as a young progressive company we feel that we must try to address all the tastes of our readership and our post bag suggests that a number of our readers prefer the less traditional approach. We have taken the liberty of including your original complaint in our current blog and also incorporated a traditional Cathedral Choir rendition of Silent Night for your enjoyment – we also note your comments re the banning of “the pulling of Christmas Crackers, the eating of turkey or maybe the act of kissing under the mistletoe” and would suggest that maybe you give our blogs a miss until after Christmas.

Why? Because we write these blogs a week or two in advance and the next couple which mention a couple of your comments are already in the can – we would not wish to give further offence.

Regards and best wishes for the Christmas Season

The Timber Composite Door Team



We would also extend our apologies to any one of our potential customers who is only interested in buying a new front door –yes we are still in the business of selling quality composite front doors our web site is still functioning perfectly the sales team are standing by the phones and the Timber Composite Doors elves are still beavering away in production and installation – fear not if we cannot fulfil a Christmas order we will still be here selling quality doors through 2017 and beyond – we have put more than sufficient hyperlinks to Timber Composite Doors so why not visit the web site and where you will find all the information you will need to assist your purchase.




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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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