And the worst day of the year to have a birthday?


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

And the worst day of the year to have a birthday?

Of all of the 365 /366 days in the year there have to be two that stand out as the worst day that you can have for your birthday and they have to be Christmas Day or that rarest of events the 29th February the one that only comes around every four years each has their downside.

Many many years ago one of my school friends had his birthday on 25th December and he was not best pleased whenever he was asked about his joint celebration day he came out with the same reply –

“everyone says they bought me something special because it’s a combined day Christmas and birthday – it’s just not true I simply get less”

A sentiment we have all no doubt heard from those who know any of these unfortunates who have to accommodate two celebrations on one day.

For those who are born on the 29th of February it is even stranger once every four years they get to celebrate the day for the other three years they get to choose 28th Feb or the 1st March and then of course there is the other quandary are you 36 or 9 suppose it’s the individual’s choice as to where they best fit in.

We never consider inanimate objects purchased on the 29th February such as your home if it was completed on the 29th Feb could make for interesting Estate Agents advertisements your neighbours home is advertised as 20 years old and yours as 5 of course none of which would ever happen.

Houses do however like the rest of us have birthdays and every now and then it is nice to spruce them up and give them a little treat and the perfect treat for your home this year could be a new front door from Timber Composite Doors if you order on or before the 29th you could be standing admiring it before the end of March. At Timber Composite Door we do not make the choosing easy, with twenty-nine styles, eighteen colours and masses of glazing and accessory options plus with our on line door designer you can design the door exactly the way that you think best suits your home.

The door designer could not be easier just simply follow the on screen directions to create the door that suits the personality of your home – here’s a couple we created in a matter of minutes, that’s how easy it is –

Solidor Conway Timber Composite Door in Black

The Conway in Black

Solidor Modena Timber Composite Door in Rich Aubergine

The Modena in Aubergine

Why not give your home a birthday treat and buy it a new door for the 29th – something to remember these doors have a life expectancy of thirty years – if you purchase yours on the 29th we cannot guarantee it will last 120 years – but it might.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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