A Matter of Choice


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

A matter of choice

At Timber Composite Door we try to keep with office trends – nice modern furnishings, comfy office chairs pretty modern and regularly updated Apple Macs because we know that if our staff are comfortable and happy with modern technology at their fingertips they will have all they need to ensure that they give all of our customers the support and assistance they may require.

A recent BBC news article somewhat stopped us in our tracks – as we said we provide comfy office chairs – for comfy read – reasonably priced practical swinging revolving padded chairs – hopefully none of the staff have seen this article – an office desk chair costing $5,900 .00 (if any of the staff read this please do not try to requisition one of these)

The Altwor k station as the chair is known combines the computer monitor and chair and it reclines and moves into virtually any position interestingly the video in the article suggests that the chair is designed for the Apple Mac but does not say whether a computer is included in the price – we assume not.



The article which was written in December suggests a £ cost of £3,900 which as the GBP/US$ exchange has dropped considerably over the Christmas period would probably mean £4,000 + which does not seem very good value particularly when compared to –


With some of this left over even if you have them both installed by our expert teams anywhere in the UK

A matter of choice – maybe – but to the Timber Composite Door team it’s a no brainer –

One chair or

A choice of twenty nine superb door styles with masses of accessory and glazing options and a choice of eighteen colours – a new front door and a new back door with monies leftover. At Timber Composite Door we pride ourselves on giving excellent value for money but in this case there is no competition – take a look at our web site and decide for yourself – our staff with their “reasonably priced practical swinging revolving padded chairs “ are sitting comfortably just waiting to talk to you about your new front door order.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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