Matter of choice – if it works for you – so be it


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by


A recent report from Australia has cast doubt on the benefits of certain off the shelf pain relief products describing the claims for these drugs as misleading which throws open a whole new area of debate – where should the invisible line be drawn in marketing and what is the real price of drugs.


The news item which was reported by the BBC as “The strange psychology of pain relief medicines” took a leading brand and simply stated that the claims for its benefits were no better than that which could be obtained by taking cheaper unbranded drugs – hardly earth shattering news for anyone who has visited their local pharmacy looking for a cure or relief from a cold etc – it is our experience here at GFD HQ that the sales staff of such shops will always advise of a cheaper unbranded alternative that will work just as well. We humans are very poor at reading labels particularly with pharmaceuticals (probably because we think it is to complex) but as most products have a list of their contents printed on the label it is not really that difficult to compare and contrast after all there are only so many ways paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin can be packaged. The packaging is the difference because it is never cheap but if you expensive drug looks good and it works for you where is the problem it’s all a matter of choice – your choice.

The logic of some reports such as this is quite alarming as it can be extended into all walks of life –

Take Cars – these two both do the same thing – transport you- both work well and are functional so you have the money to buy and happily run either –


Rolls Royce do not advertise that their car is better than a Fiat 500 we the public just know – in this case appearance does count – but if you have the money and desire to own a Roller – it’s your choice.

Even our own doors enter into this same argument – they work and function as a door keeping out the elements and the home occupants secure – but so does a few planks of wood nailed together hung on hinges and with some rudimentary locking mechanism -so what can be done to make a door different from all the other doors on the market – same as the Rolls Royce – enhance the specification and improve the packaging i.e the styles and colours available. At Timber Composite Door we try to satisfy all our customers need for choice with twenty nine styles in the Solidor standard range and Italia Collection all available in a choice of eighteen colours and a choice of more glazing and accessory options than you could ever wish for, we have often thought we give to many choices but we work on the principle if the customer wants it we will endeavour to supply. In order to help our customers with their choices we have made our Timber Composite Doors web site as informative and comprehensive as possible, specifications, superb graphics, photographs of actual installations everything in fact to help our customers make a well informed Choice .

We do not wish our prospective customer to admire our doors and wish they could purchase – for those times when the budget is stretched we offer the option of 12 months interest free finance as a customer choice.

Choices, choices and more choices you will certainly have plenty to make when you purchase your new front door from Timber Composite Door.

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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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