Where will you be at Midnight 16th December 2015 #stardoors


Last Updated on 8th July 2021 by

Where will you be at Midnight 16th December 2015


My wife tells me I’ll be tucked up in bed asleep ready to wake her with presents when the children wake up at some ungodly hour to sing “Happy Birthday Mammy!” But in my mind, I think I might just be “in a galaxy far far away”

The force awakens !

The next release of the Star Wars Franchise of movies begins! George Lucas and his now Disney Empire unveil the latest episode in film franchise that begun way back in 1977.

And I for one can’t wait!

As a young boy growing up in the 1970’s the release of Star Wars marked the start of a life long affair with the film and is sequels and prequels.

OK some have been a little off the mark, but on the whole, each time I sit and watch one of the movies im transported back to being in the cockpit of the millennium falcon with Han & Chewy, dodging Tie Fighters and holding tight for the jump to light speed!

Tell me any child of the generation who hasn’t seen the movie!

If like me you were hooked, you’ll have spent hours and hours re enacting the battles with the dark side. Together with friends we’d replay the scenes, attempt the voices and end up victorious at the end of the day. Only to awaken the next day to begin again.

Ahh nostalgic memories.

Over the years the toys might have gone ( much to my dismay when I see a Boba Fett fetch £18,000 in auction this year http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31035161) but the memories and affiliation with the film that shaped a childhood haven’t.

As I said, some of the following movies hit the mark, others didn’t. But still the franchise moved forward into the next generation. My nephews replaying light sabre fights, then building Lego Star Wars craft…

Ahh to be young again!

I trying hard to inject the culture of Star Wars into my kids psyche in the hope that the lure of popcorn and ice slushes will mean I can get to the local cinema on the guise of taking the kids out!

Firmly now in my 40+ years, the thought of the new movie has me excited, and well it also has many of the team here at GFD hooked too. Yep were big kids at heart!

As anyone whose read our blogs knows, we love to have a little fun here. So this year instead of creating a homage to 50 Shades of Grey, or creating a door inspired nativity, we’re embracing the launch of Star Wars.

And all this under the banner of #stardoors

Can you see what we’ve done there?

We’re taken this months installs of Solidor Timber Composite Doors and giving them the accolade of being Star Doors!

And we want you to join in to… So if you like a #stardoors, simply like it !

The door with the most likes wins!

And one of the lucky people who has liked this door will win too!

We’ll give you 4 tickets to see Star Wars at a cinema of your choice anywhere in the country

Take the family, and let another generation, feel the force awaken in them!




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Ian Richardson
Ian is the Head of Marketing here at Timber Composite Doors. Combining a deep knowledge of the product with a witty and Irreverent look at the World, the blog aims to provide a fun and informative, view on choosing a Solidor Timber Composite Door #solidor #compositedoors #timbercompositedoors
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